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Species-appropriate nutrition for your cat: Experience natural and species-appropriate food for your cat with the Lucky-Kitty “Mouse” cat food, which consists of 100% minced mouse. This food brings the wildness of nature into your cat's bowl and provides a nutritionally optimal meal that mimics natural prey.
Main advantages:
- 100% Natural: No grains, sugar, or chemical additives. Only pure, minced mouse that provides complete nutrition.
- High-quality manufacturing in Germany: Manufactured under the strictest hygiene standards without compromising on quality.
- Ideal for allergy sufferers: Free of allergens and unnecessary fillers, perfect for cats with sensitive stomachs or allergies.
- Gentle processing: Cold filling and steam cooking preserve the natural nutrients and flavors.
- Aesthetic and Appetizing: Offers an appetizing look and a pleasant gamey smell that appeals to both cats and cat owners.
Special notes:
- This product is sold exclusively online and is available directly from Lucky-Kitty.
- Customer feedback shows a high level of acceptance and satisfaction with the quality and effects of the food.
By choosing Lucky-Kitty "Mouse" cat food, you are offering your cat a meal that is not only tasty, but also provides all the nutrients it needs to keep it healthy and active.
- Empfohlene Tagesration: Ca. 4% des Körpergewichts der Katze (z.B. 200g für eine 5 kg schwere Katze).
- Anpassungsfähig: Die Menge sollte basierend auf der Aktivität und dem Alter der Katze angepasst werden.
- Praktische Tipps: Serviere das Futter zimmerwarm und sorge für eine frische Wasserversorgung. Ideal in Kombination mit einem Katzenbrunnen.
- Inhalt: 100% gewolfte Maus, komplettes Tier
- Frei von: Getreide, Zucker, chemischen Zusatzstoffen
- Analytische Bestandteile: Protein 18,8%, Fettgehalt 10,3%, Rohasche 3,77%, Rohfaser 0,7%, Feuchtigkeit 67,6%
100% ganze gewolfte Maus
Sonst NICHTS! (auch Nichts, was nicht deklariert werden müsste)
Die speziell gezüchteten Futtermäuse, haben einen grossen Vorteil gegenüber Mäusen aus freier Wildbahn, die Deine Katze als Freigänger erjagen kann: sie sind völlig frei von Viren und Krankheiten und werden vom Veterinäramt überwacht. Nagetiere können als Wildtiere Krankheitserreger übertragen, sogar Hantaviren werden von frei lebenden Mäusen auf den Menschen übertragen, sie können von Parasiten befallen sein und Würmer haben oder bereits Gift gefressen haben und damit auch Katzen vergiften. Mit speziell zur Fütterung gezüchteten Mäusen für Katzen gehst Du kein solches Risiko ein. Zusätzlich garantiert unser Lieferant die artgerechte Haltung der Futtertiere, von der wir uns natürlich auch persönlich regelmässig überzeugen.
Analysedaten: (in Klammern das Untersuchungsverfahren des Labors)
Feuchtigkeitsgehalt: 67,6 g/100g (SOP-ATSLeco-202:02/2019)
Trockensubstanz: 32,4 g/100g (SOP-ATSLeco-202:02/2019)
Rohprotein (Dumas) 18,8 g/100g (VDLUFA III Punkt 4.1.2 2004)
Rohfett: 10,3 g/100g (SOP-FettMikro-200:2018-04)
Rohasche 3,77 g/100g (SOP-ATSLeco-202 (Gravimetrie 550°C) 02/2019)
Rohfaser 0,7 g/100g (DIN EN ISO 6865 2001-02)
Stickstofffreie Extraktstoffe (NfE) < 0,1g/100g
Brennwert: 700,7 kJ/100g; 167,9 kcal/100g
Lucky-Kitty Premium Katzenfutter Maus ist im Sinne der Futtermittelverordnung ein Einzelfuttermittel
Was unsere Kunden sagen
Your cat would
buying mice
Your cat would
Buy mice.
frequently asked Questions
Our food consists of 100% mouse, coarsely minced, imitating the natural prey of cats. It is free of grains, sugar and chemical additives, which not only makes it particularly natural, but also ideal for cats with allergies or food sensitivities.
The food has a pleasant smell of game and an appetizing appearance, which makes it attractive to both cats and cat owners. It has been extensively tested and shows a high level of acceptance among cats of different ages and preferences.
The food is produced in Germany under the strictest hygiene regulations and the supervision of the veterinary office. The gentle cold filling and the avoidance of animal testing ensure the high quality and ethics of our product.
The production of 'Mouse in a Can' is cost-intensive due to the high quality standards and strict controls in Germany. We only use high quality, specially bred mice, which justifies the price but is offset by the superior quality and lower amount of food required.
Yes, our food is suitable for cats of all ages, from kittens to seniors. It provides a complete and balanced diet that meets the natural nutritional needs of cats.
The food is rich in high quality protein and essential amino acids, which are essential for muscle building, repair and overall health. Natural taurine as well as vitamins and minerals also support heart health and vision.
Yes, our 'canned mouse' food can be combined very well with other types of meat or complementary foods to add variety to your cat's diet and meet all nutritional needs.
We do not add any synthetic additives because our food already contains all the necessary nutrients in a ratio prescribed by nature. The vitamins and minerals naturally occurring in the mice are optimally usable by cats and support a healthy diet.