We published " 10 tips on how to get your cat to drink more " on our website some time ago. One of the tips was about a salt-free chicken broth for cats, which can be used to flavor water or frozen as "ice cubes" and given in portions to food or individually to encourage the cat to drink. We have received a lot of inquiries about where you can get a salt-free chicken broth for cats without chemicals - as this is almost impossible, here are short instructions on how you can easily and inexpensively make four liters of the finest chicken broth for cats for around €1.50:
What you need is a large pot and a soup chicken, baby chicken or chicken thigh. If you don't like the cooked chicken after cooking, you definitely have a buyer. Simply defrost a soup chicken if necessary, cut it up, put it in cold water with about 4 liters of water, put the lid on and cook it over low heat (approx. 2-3 hours), mash it vigorously every now and then, strain it, let it cool down - the delicious, healthy dish is ready "Power cat chicken broth" without salt and chemicals that lasts for about a week in the refrigerator - or frozen in portions in ice cube trays or plastic bags - for many months. If you still have some, you can fill them hot into preserving jars like in the picture.
PS: add a bunch of soup greens, salt and pepper and the recipe also works for the staff.